PAC grand opening set for December 3rd
Newly opened Performing Arts Center at Garrett College ramping up
McHenry, MD – A grand opening for the new Performing Arts Center at Garrett College has been scheduled for December 3rd at 9 a.m.
The facility – jointly funded by the State of Maryland and Garrett County Government – opened in October and has been ramping up its schedule. The Garrett Lakes Arts Festival (GLAF) has a series of events in November and December, and the Garrett County Arts Council is currently showing works by its first featured artist – painter Robert Yonke – in the PAC’s Art Gallery.
Meanwhile, both Northern Garrett and Southern Garrett high schools have scheduled their first PAC performances in November and December, respectively.
“It’s an exciting time,” said Mary Mateer Cummings, the PAC’s executive director. “We’re looking forward to the grand opening, where we can recognize the state and county for funding this incredible facility.”

Photo by John Rudd
The Performing Arts Center at Garrett College will host a grand opening on Saturday, December 3rd at 9 a.m. The public is invited to attend.
Senator George Edwards and Delegate Wendel Beitzel – who played key roles in acquiring more than $17 million in state funding – will both be featured speakers at the grand opening. The Garrett County Commissioners – who provided more than $4 million in local funding – will also be recognized at the event.
“Our legislators and commissioners made this facility possible,” said Don Morin, chair of the Garrett College Board of Trustees. “We want to be able to recognize them as well as provide local residents an opportunity to see the PAC.”
While Garrett College is responsible for managing the facility, the College is just one of five founding PAC partners. Garrett County Government, Garrett County Public Schools, Garrett Lakes Arts Festival, and Garrett County Arts Council are the other founding partners.
“The state and local funding made construction of this facility possible, but we also knew we needed a strong set of partners to ensure the long-term viability of the PAC,” said Dr. Richard Midcap, Garrett College’s president. “And I don’t think we could have asked for a stronger partnership group than the one we’ve built.”
In addition to creating the partnership group, Garrett College also worked collaboratively with the Garrett College Foundation on an endowment campaign to generate ongoing operational funding for the PAC. The Foundation has raised over $3.4 million, smashing the original $2.5 million goal.
“Our donors were anxious to be part of this campaign,” said Cherie Krug, executive director of the Garrett College Foundation. “The community really got behind this initiative.”
The grand opening will be followed by two piano recitals in the Daniel E. Offutt III Theatre by local students under the direction of Dr. Sean Beachy. The first recital is at 11 a.m. and the second is at 2:30 p.m. The recitals are free and open to the public.
Note: For more information about the Performing Arts Center at Garrett College, please go to